Monday, September 14, 2009

2009 Virtual Assistant Industry Survey

Snap Assistant has taken part in the 2009 Virtual Assistant Industry survey sponsored by the Virtual Assistance Chamber of Commerce. If you are a Virtual Assistant, we encourage you to participate in the survey by visiting the VACOC, survey ends October 1st, 2009.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Member of the Alliance for Virtual Businesses

Snap Assistant is the newest member of the Alliance for Virtual Businesses (A4VB). The Alliance represents more than 20,000 professional virtual assistants worldwide. To learn more about the Alliance for Virtual Businesses click here.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Average Savings by Working with a VA

The most common question I hear is, "Isn't a Virtual Assistant (VA) more expensive than hiring a full-time or even part-time employee?" The answer is no. The average savings of hiring a Virtual Assistant instead of an on-site W-2 employee is around $20,000 per year, some save as much as $39,000. Even though our hourly rate may seem higher than a potential employee, the cost of that potential employee is much higher than just their hourly wage. You also will have to account for the added expenses of payroll taxes, health insurance, dental insurance, holiday pay, sick days, vacation time, equipment, office supplies and space. With a Virtual Assistant, you only pay the hourly rate, nothing more.
The VAs at Snap Assistant have proved to be 2x more effective than full-time employees. Virtual Assistants don't take breaks, lunch hour, personal calls or personal emails on your dime and they are never late for work or call in sick. Imagine all your assistant could do with that extra time or how much money you could save.

For more details on the cost of a Virtual Assistant vs. a regular on-site W2 employee, view our Rate Comparison Chart to see a breakdown of the costs and savings.